Treatment for Skin and Toenails

For dermatological or toenail issues, Westside Podiatry provides the best treatment options available.

At Westside Podiatry, our podiatrist are experts in treating your skin, toenails, and soft tissue concerns.  Below is a list of the most common ailments we see when it comes to skin and nails.

If you are experiencing any of these issues- or  have any other concerns about your feet-  schedule an appointment today.

Ingrown Toenail

Ingrown toenails can happen at any age and may cause pain and swelling around the toenail.  Ingrown toenails can be a cause for concern for future infection as well.  Westside Podiatry offers in-office treatment options at the time of your scheduled appointment.  We create a care plan to provide for a speedy recovery, with follow up visits to make to sure that the issue is resolved and future infection is prevented.

Fungal nails

Fungal nails are thick, discolored toenails that are often difficult to trim.  Our team at Westside Podiatry will examine your fungal nails at the time of your scheduled appointment to help understand the cause of the fungus.  Treatment options may include topical and oral remedies.

Dermatological Issues

When a curious rash appears on your feet, Westside Podiatry is here to help.  We treat all types of dermatological issues including skin discoloration, rashes, lesions, and itchiness.  Your podiatrist will examine your feet to understand the cause of the issue and recommend a treatment plan.  Treatment options may include topical treatment, oral medications, and if necessary, a soft tissue biopsy.  


We treat warts on the feet of patients of all ages- from 1 to 101.  The most common warts that we see are plantar warts; small growths of tissue that come from a viral infection on the bottom of the foot.  The team at Westside Podiatry offers pain-free, in-office treatment to begin removal of the wart on the day of your scheduled appointment.  Your podiatrist may encourage follow-up visits to create care plan to keep the wart from coming back.

Lumps and Bumps

Our team at Westside Podiatry is full of experts in treating any mysterious bumps that you find on your feet.  Treatment for soft tissue abnormalities may include a biopsy and/or imaging to evaluate the cause of the issue inside the skin.  We will work with you to develop a treatment plan that suits your needs and diagnosis.  Your treatment plan may include in-office treatment for the soft tissue, or surgical removal if necessary.

For in-depth information on these and other issues, check out the handouts below from the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons:

Ganglion Cyst

Haglunds Deformity

Ingrown Toenail

Malignant Melanoma of the Foot

Plantar Fibroma

Plantar Wart

Soft Tissue Biopsy

Haven’t found what you’re looking for?  Call one of our locations today.  Our staff will help you understand the issue and set up an appointment to meet your needs.